How to Batch Resize Photos

How to Batch Resize Photos

Images are omnipresent. We use them on our websites, we use them every time we write a blog post or when we create visual content for our social media platforms. Images play a huge role in our quest to attract new audiences and boost engagement, and that’s why it’s important to pay attention to their size.

Why Resize Images

Image size matters. First of all, pictures can affect our website’s speed. Large, high-resolution photos can take a long time to load, and this can make visitors bounce off your website. In this day and age, nobody has the time and patience to sit and wait for a webpage to slowly load. Slow-loading pages will not only provide a bad user experience, but will also impact your position in search engine rankings.

Images are also fundamental in your social media strategy. If you want to create a strong online presence and make people trust your brand, you need to properly adjust the size of your photos, according to the requirements of each platform. Having blurry or pixelated photos on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram due to incorrect size will show a lack of professionalism and chase away potential customers.

At the same time, the resizing process can help us easily share pictures online with others, as well as save valuable disk space.

Resize Multiple Photos in 3 Simple Steps

So we’ve seen why it’s important to reduce the size of our images. Now let’s take a look at how we can accomplish this task.

In order to make our images smaller we don’t really need to resort to a complex image manipulation software like Photoshop. Of course, Adobe’s software can do the job without any problems, but for this sort of operations it’s advisable to opt for a tool as powerful, but significantly easier to use like our own BatchPhoto.

BatchPhoto is a Windows and Mac app designed to efficiently resize multiple images at once. The tool is powerful enough to process hundreds of files simultaneously and super-easy to use. How easy? Well, all you have to do is follow a simple three-step process: Add Photos, Edit Photos and Setup. Let’s take a closer look at each of these editing steps:

Step 1

In the first step you add the images you want to resize. You can use drag & drop, add images individually by clicking on the Add Photos button or add entire folders with or without subfolders.

How to Batch Resize Photos

Step 2

In the second step is where you have the opportunity to apply the desired edits to your photos, in our particular case to resize them.

To accomplish this task click on Add Filter > Transform > Resize. Next simply enter the desired values for the width and/or height, expressed in either pixels or percentage. There are options to maintain the aspect ratio and to not upscale pictures smaller than the specified size.

How to Batch Resize Photos

BatchPhoto offers an additional feature called Resize Advanced. This feature may come in handy if you need to adjust the document size in inches, as well as the DPI resolution.

Besides being able to reduce image size, BatchPhoto can perform other useful operations to optimize and retouch your photos. In that sense you can find options to crop, rotate, watermark or date stamp pictures, to adjust the contrast, brightness, hue and saturation, as well as apply artistic effects like black & white. The tool provides extensive support for RAW files and can convert to and from more than 170 formats.

Step 3

The third step of the editing process is called Setup and enables you to select your final configuration before processing your images. You can choose the output format for your pictures and their destination: you can save them on your computer, send them via email or upload them to FTP.

And that’s pretty much it. Once you’ve set up your configuration, just click on the Process button and let the tool automatically apply your edits to the entire batch of photos.

BatchPhoto is designed to help you improve your photo editing workflow and gain precious time and energy. In addition to the batch processing feature, the editor comes with another option to increase productivity: you can save your current settings as Profiles and load them in future editing sessions. This way you’ll never have to repeat the same editing steps.

If you’d like to give it a go, you can download a fully-featured trial version of BatchPhoto here.