Automatically Rotate Hundreds of Digital Photos

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Joined: Sat May 16, 2009 11:35 am

With version 2.6 BatchPhoto is now fully compatible with the new operating system from Microsoft(R), Windows 7 and has a new major feature: Auto Rotate.

Most of the latest digital cameras now came equipped with orientation sensors that recognize the portrait or landscape orientation of the camera when taking a picture and save this information into the image file. In spite of this feature the portrait images are still saved as landscape by most digital cameras and need to be rotated afterwards by the user.

BatchPhoto makes the task of rotating digital photos very easy and fast by processing hundreds of pictures in one session and by taking advantage of multi-core processors to speed-up the process. The operation can be performed even without starting the application, directly from Windows Explorer's contextual (right-click) menu.

You can try BatchPhoto for free (30-day trial) by downloading it from our website:
Mike Cosmin Unguru
Product Manager
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Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:45 pm

Hello, Alexander Karas here from Baltimore MD USA
I loaded 1,200 images from a wedding that I shot this weekend
( with a Nikon D700 with file size of 4256 X 2832 @5.24 MB) into "add photos". That is the entire folder...with some shots having the correct horizontal orientation and the rest of the other verticals that needed to be turned.
AMAZING it turned everything that needed to be turned without error.

However, after the auto rotate process finished ....the image size was exactly the same at 4256 x 2832 but the file size was shrunk down to 1.52MB from 5.24MB

I didnt request a file resize just an auto rotate. What happened...what did I do wrong???
When comparing the original to the shrunk down file size after auto rotate processed- at 400% magnification I see only one tiny little artifact on the resize 1.52MB file.

Does it compress automatically? Please explain for me.
Thank You
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:12 pm

Dear user,

The reason for the small size of your output photos is the JPEG format which uses a "lossy" compression algorithm. In other words, if you choose JPEG as the output format, your pictures will loose information after each processing session.

An obvious solution would be to use a "lossless" output format like TIFF or PNG. If you must necessarily preserve the original JPEG format then you could try setting the quality option from the format settings dialog to 100%. This way you will get output photos that have a size similar to the original one or even larger.
Cezar Popescu
BatchPhoto Team
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:45 pm

Thanks Cezar for your speedy reply
.... a great help !

Alexander of Worldwide Photography
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