Make Logo the Same on Each Picture in Batch

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I am applying a logo to multiple photos but note that the logo is not the same size on each photo. I am using photos from multiple events and notice that the logo defaults to the same size on photos taken at the same event so is this to do with camera settings? Is there anyway I can make the logo the same size on each photo in the batch?
Posts: 485
Joined: Sat May 16, 2009 11:35 am


This happens because not all of your photos in the batch are of the same size in pixels (or mega-pixels).

Actually the logo is of the same size in pixels for all the photos but when the photos are scaled to be displayed on your computer screen the larger ones will appear to have a smaller logo.

You can solve this in two ways:
1. Group your photos into batches with photos of same size in pixels
2. Add the Resize filter with a fixed size before the Date or Watermark filters

Let me know if this solves your problem.
Mike Cosmin Unguru
Product Manager
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