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file extension

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:16 pm
by sbrown1234
My webmaster is insistent on photo attachments having no spaces and no special characters. Batchphoto adds a space (bad) then numbers in parentheses (bad). Can this be reset in BatchPhoto

Re: file extension

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:50 am
by Cezar
Dear user,

With BatchPhoto you can easily define a custom naming scheme for your photos. Just go to Step 2 and select the Custom Defined option from the Preset combo-box in the Edit Names section. In the Names dialog use the + button to the right of the Keywords text field to add the [Counter] keyword to your naming scheme.

For example, you can use the "[Filename]-[Counter]" template to eliminate all spaces from your output photo names.